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 Imagination in everyday life 
일상 속의 상상 Fantasie im Alltag


Ceramic Artist Mariko Chiba focuses on combining usefulness of tableware in daily life and aesthetics of ceramic arts.

세라믹 아티스트 마리코 치바는

일상에서 사용하는

식기의 유용성과 도예의 미학의

융합을 추구합니다.

Die Keramikkünstlerin Mariko Chiba

konzentriert sich darauf,

die Nützlichkeit des alltäglichen Geschirrs mit der Ästhetik der Keramik zu verbinden.


Photo by Sara Wulf, 2020


Geboren in Japan,   Lebend in Deutschland,   Hinaus in die Welt.

일본에서 태어나, 독일에 살며, 세계를 향한다.

 Born in Japan​, Living in Germany, Forwarding to the World.

I was probably introduced to pottery when I was about 9 years old.  My father made me go to a pottery class, and he made me touch clay at home.

It was a natural start.

내가 도예를 접하게 된건 아마 9살즈음이었을거야. 아버지가 도예교실에 가게 해주셨고, 집에서도 찰흙을 가지고 마음대로 만져보게 하셨어.

자연스러운 시작이었지.

Ich bin wahrscheinlich mit 9 Jahren in die Töpferei eingeführt worden. Mein Vater ließ mich zu einem Töpferkurs gehen, und er ließ mich zu Hause Ton anfassen. Es war ein natürlicher Anfang.


Photo by Sara Wulf, 2020

As a child, I just played with clay,

but the result of my 'play' became functional and textured and colored. Through the process, I was attracted to the potential of ceramics.

어릴때의 나는 단지 그냥 흙을 가지고 논것이지만, 내 '놀이'의 결과물이 기능을 가지게 되면서 질감과 색이 갖춰진 형태가 된거야. 그 과정을 통해 난 도예의 잠재력에 매력을 느꼈어. 

Als Kind habe ich

nur mit Lehm gespielt,

aber das Ergebnis

meines „Spiels“

wurde funktional und strukturiert und farbig. Durch den Prozess

wurde ich vom Potenzial

der Keramik angezogen.


Photo by Mariko Chiba, 2020

Photo by Mariko Chiba, 2020

When I look at myself as an artist, I don't think I will be easily satisfied with myself in the future. No matter what obstacles I overcome, if I am satisfied with them, I will not be able to develop further.

아티스트로서 나 자신을 바라볼때, 앞으로도 내 스스로에게 쉽게 만족하진 않을 것 같아. 어떤 고비를 넘는다 해도, 만약 거기에 만족해버리면 더 이상 발전 할 수 없으니까.

Wenn ich mich als Künstler betrachte, glaube ich, dass ich in Zukunft nicht so leicht mit mir zufrieden sein werde. Egal welche Hindernisse ich überwinde, wenn ich damit zufrieden bin, kann ich mich nicht weiterentwickeln.​


Photo by Mariko Chiba, 2020


Photo by Mariko Chiba, 2020

Published,  Copyright by 

ART?ART! Editor Team



Hyeri Shin



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