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It's girl crush time!

걸크러쉬 타임!

Es ist Girl crush Zeit

Dunja Ercegović

Hello, ART?ART!magazine subscribers. Dunja Ercegović is a musician and singer-songwriter from Zagreb, Croatia. I've been writing and composing since I was 12 and made my debut at 21 with the release of her first demo song ''Wrong House'' under the name Lovely Quinces. For nine years I toured Europe and America under the name Lovely Quinces, performing at festivals such as Sziget, SXSW and Canadian Music Week. This career led me to the Croatian Rolling Stone cover and even reached the final of the Impala where artists like Adele, Arctic Monkeys and Jose Gonzales won awards.

ART?ART!매거진 구독자 여러분 안녕하세요. 크로아티아 자그레브에서 뮤지션, 싱어송라이터로 활동하는 두냐 에르체고비치입니다. 12살 때부터 작사 작곡을 했고 21살 때 첫 데모곡 Lovely Quinces라는 이름으로 ''Wrong House''를 발표해 데뷔했습니다. 9년의 시간동안 Lovely Quinces로 유럽과 미국 전역을 순회하며Sziget, SXSW, Canadian Music Week 등과 같은 페스티벌에서 공연했습니다. 이런 경력으로 크로아티아 롤링스톤의 표지에 실렸고 Adele, Arctic Monkeys, Jose Gonzales 같은 아티스트들이 수상했던 Impala 결승까지 진출했었습니다.

Hallo, Abonnenten des ART?ART!magazins. Ich bin Dunja Ercegović, eine Musikerin und Singer-Songwriterin aus Zagreb, Kroatien. Ich begann im Alter von 12 Jahren zu schreiben und zu komponieren und debütierte im Alter von 21 Jahren mit der Veröffentlichung meines ersten Demosongs „Wrong House“ unter dem Namen „Lovely Quinces“. Neun Jahre lang tourte ich unter dem Namen Lovely Quinces durch Europa und Amerika und trat auf Festivals wie dem Sziget, SXSW und der Canadian Music Week auf. Mit dieser Karriere wurde ich auf dem Cover der kroatischen Rolling Stones vorgestellt und erreichte das Finale des Impala, wo Künstler wie Adele, Arctic Monkeys und Jose Gonzales Preise gewannen.


The beautiful and dignified voice of an appealing Bad daughter

호소력 짙은 Bad daughter의 아름답고 당당한 목소리

Die schöne und würdevolle Stimme einer anziehenden Bad daughter

Currently, I am focusing on ‘Bad Daughter’, which is my second project to challenge the pop genre. They recently released their debut album, LET ME PANIC, under the name Bad Daughter, and shortly thereafter, they were nominated for Best Album and received two awards. It has been aired in over 40 countries. Since then, they have released two singles, Favorite Game and Thick, in succession.

지금은 팝 장르에 두 번째로 도전하는 프로젝트인 ‘Bad Daughter’ 초점을 맞춰 활동 중입니다. 최근 Bad Daughter 라는 이름으로 데뷔 앨범 LET ME PANIC을 냈고 얼마되지 않아 베스트 앨범에 선정되어 두 개의 상을 받았습니다. 40여 개국에서 방영되었고. 이후 두 개의 싱글 Favorite Game과 Thick을 연달아 발표했습니다.

Derzeit arbeite ich mit dem Schwerpunkt „Bad Daughter“, dem zweiten Projekt, das das Pop-Genre herausfordert. Vor kurzem habe ich mein Debütalbum LET ME PANIC unter dem Namen Bad Daughter herausgebracht, und kurz darauf wurde es für das beste Album nominiert und gewann zwei Preise. Es wurde in über 40 Ländern ausgestrahlt. Seitdem habe ich zwei Singles in Folge veröffentlicht, „Favourite Game“ und „Thick“.


In 2016, I released my first Bad Daughter EP at the May Irrationaly Rational noise ail bandcamp and recorded the entire song with my iPhone. Afterwards, I contacted my friend Leonard Klaić and asked him to produce the album Bad Daughter. For 3 years, I worked on this album, I tried to make an album that really breathes with the concept, and I worked on a lot of songs.

2016년에 첫 번째 Bad Daughter EP를 May Irrationaly Rational noise ail 밴드 캠프에서 발표했고 곡 전체를 내 아이폰으로 녹음했습니다. 이후 친구 Leonard Klaić에게 연락해 Bad Daughter 앨범을 프로듀싱해 달라고 부탁했습니다. 정말 컨셉으로 숨 쉬는 앨범을 만들고자 3년 동안 많은

곡을 작업했습니다.

2016 veröffentlichte ich meine erste Bad Daughter EP beim Mai Irrationaly Rational Noise Ail Bandcamp und nahm den gesamten Song mit meinem iPhone auf. Danach kontaktierte ich meinen Freund Leonard Klaić und bat ihn, das Album Bad Daughter zu produzieren. Drei Jahre lang habe ich an diesem Album gearbeitet, versucht, ein Album zu machen, das durch das Konzept wirklich atmet, und ich habe an vielen Songs gearbeitet.


Bad Daughter is a character I made. With the power she has, she controls everything and has a coolness that doesn't get easily upset over failure or frustration in any relationship. Of course, like these autobiographical lyrics, I can't guarantee that I've dealt with difficult situations well, but I tried to unravel the story I had. It is a story of great strength to you who are going through a difficult time through Bad Daughter, and at the same time, it is a comfort and support for you who want to overcome all problems by becoming a villain. That's why we've worked so hard to make an album that flows so smoothly that you don't even feel like skipping a single track.

Bad Daughter는 제가 만든 캐릭터입니다. 가지고 있는 권력으로 모든 것을 통제하며 어떤 관계에서 실패나 좌절을 하더라도 쉽게 화를 내지 않는 쿨 함을 가졌습니다. 물론 이 자전적인 가사들의 모습처럼 실제로 힘든 상황들을 잘 다뤄 냈다고 장담할 수 없지만 제가 가진 이야기를 덤덤히 풀어내고자 했습니다. Bad Daughter를 통해 힘든 시기를 겪고 있을 당신에게 큰 힘이 되는 이야기임과 동시에 빌런이 되어 모든 문제를 당당히 헤쳐 나가길 원하는 위로이자 응원입니다. 한 트랙도 건너뛰고 싶은 충동이 들지 않을 정도로 매끄럽게 흘러가는 앨범을 만들기 위해 노력한 이유가 여기 있습니다.

Bad Daughter ist eine Figur, die ich gemacht habe. Mit der Macht, die sie hat, kontrolliert sie alles und hat eine Coolness, die sich nicht so leicht über Misserfolge oder Rückschläge in einer Beziehung ärgert. Natürlich kann ich nicht garantieren, dass ich schwierige Situationen wie die in diesen autobiografischen Texten bewältigt habe, aber ich habe versucht, die Geschichte zu erzählen, die ich hatte. Es ist eine Geschichte von großer Stärke für Sie, die durch Bad Daughter eine schwierige Zeit durchmachen, und gleichzeitig ein Trost und eine Unterstützung für Sie, die alle Probleme überwinden wollen, indem Sie ein Bösewicht werden. Deshalb habe ich so hart daran gearbeitet, ein Album zu machen, das so fließend ist, dass ich nicht den Drang verspüre, einen einzigen Track zu überspringen.


In fact, I don't like to think too much about writing songs. It's not that romantic to me. It's close to hardship, and it's like riding a roller coaster of self-reflection and skeptical criticism, the feeling of giving up, and dramatic recollections up and down. But when I think that people have always respected my appearance and interpretation of my songs, as they believe, I have to work even harder to match that image.

사실 저는 지나치게 생각해 곡 쓰는 것을 선호하지 않습니다. 제게 그다지 로맨틱한 일은 아니기 때문입니다. 고난에 가깝고 자기 회상과 회의적인 비판의 롤러코스터를 타는 것과 같아 좌절하는 때의 느낌, 드라마틱한 회상들이 오르락내리락하는 일입니다. 하지만 사람들이 항상 제 모습과 제 곡의 해석을 존중해 줬다고 생각하면 그들이 믿는 대로 나는 그 모습에 걸맞게 더욱더 열심히 해야 합니다.

Eigentlich mag ich nicht zu viel nachdenken und Songs schreiben. Das ist für mich nicht sehr romantisch. Es ist mühsam, es ist wie eine Achterbahnfahrt aus Selbstreflexion und skeptischer Kritik, dem Gefühl des Aufgebens und dramatischen Erinnerungen, die auf und ab fahren. Aber wenn ich denke, dass die Leute mein Aussehen und meine Interpretation meiner Songs immer respektiert haben, wie sie glauben, muss ich noch härter arbeiten, um diesem Image gerecht zu werden.


I'm planning a live concert this spring.

If this corona pandemic subsides, I would like to greet you with a tour concert around the summer. I hope that my interview will not be boring and I will leave a good impression on you. ART?ART! subscribers, I hope you enjoy listening to my music.

올 봄에 라이브 공연을 기획중입니다.

이번 코로나 대유행이 잠잠해진다면 여름 즈음에 투어공연으로 여러분께 인사드리고 싶습니다.

제 인터뷰가 지루하지 않고, 여러분에게 좋은 인상을 남겼으면 좋겠습니다.

ART?ART!구독자 여러분, 부디 제 음악을 즐겁게 감상해 주시길 바랍니다.

Ich plane einen Live-Auftritt in diesem Frühjahr.

Wenn diese Corona-Pandemie abebbt, möchte ich Sie rund um den Sommer mit einem Tourneeauftritt begrüßen. Ich hoffe, dass mein Vorstellungsgespräch nicht langweilig wird und einen guten Eindruck bei Ihnen hinterlässt. ART?ART!-Abonnenten, ich hoffe, dass euch meine Musik gefällt.

Published,  Copyright by 

ART?ART! Editor Team



2022. 03.09

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